on #etvScandal: Oh dear Dintle gave Nhloso an Ultimatum to choose between her or his wife

Dintle has reached a breaking point and has given Nhloso an ultimatum to choose between her and his wife. 🫣 This is certainly a difficult situation, as the painful truth remains that Nhloso is unlikely to leave his wife for Dintle


On #etvScandal: Oh dear, it seems that Dintle has reached a breaking point and has given Nhloso an ultimatum to choose between her and his wife. 🫣 This is certainly a difficult situation, as the painful truth remains that Nhloso is unlikely to leave his wife for Dintle.

🥲 From the outset, Dintle was aware that Nhloso was a married man, so it’s curious why she would now attempt to exert control over him.

It’s quite a twist in the story, where the side chick is now trying to call the shots, clearly frustrated with the limited attention and being relegated to receiving good-night messages at 4 pm.

The dynamics at play here are intriguing, as Dintle’s demand highlights the complexities of relationships where one party is caught in the middle of an emotional triangle. It’s a classic case of the heart wanting what it wants, despite the complications involved. | Yohh 😭👇

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